This site uses gem themes at the current moment which means that the author of the theme can change little parts of it and the source code for it isn’t contained in my website. Github runs my site through the gem theme and a good looking website comes out the other side(at least thats what I believe is happening). I wanted to make some adjustments to the theme myself which means I needed to bring the files over to my local repository. In the process of doing that the theme just broke everything. The site you are probably seeing now is a seperate branch made from a previous commit that was still functioning. This is what the main branch looks like when I launch the website from it.

Broken Homepage

As you can see its not quite what I am trying to go for. The next step is to try and get the main branch to successfully revert to the same postion this branch is at. Then I get to try again to pull the theme into my local repo and then I can start playing around with the css and js to customized the theme to make it my own.