While the first attempt at an essay wasn’t the worst probably, I feel like it failed to answer the actual questions from the prompt. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Why does it captivate me? I think it is because when I hit a difficult part I know there are probably many different ways to solve it and I know I am far from the first person to run into the problem. After all we are all standing on the backs of giants. I hope to some day be the giant that others take from. I think the other part that captivates me is the near unlimited possibilites of it all. It isn’t hard to add in a color swap or add little disclaimer tags to posts. Anything I can think of that I want to add to my site is doable maybe not easy but doable.

Now the what or who do I turn to question. That one I feel like I don’t have a great answer to. I have found places like stack overflow to be very helpful when running into problems with my code. I have been learning a bit from Code Academy and Youtube has a lot of nice tutorials on a lot of different things. I wish I had a little better of a social group that I could bounce ideas off of a bit more.